Stop Using My Photos

Teisha LeShea
4 min readOct 21, 2022

Over one million images and you decided to choose mine?

Photo by Kai Pilger on Unsplash

I have a bone to pick with writers on Medium; as you will read, 90% is a rant, and 10% will be solution based. I hate math, so don’t beat me up too much. This isn’t a severe piece; this is a coincidence piece. I respect all Medium writers, and as creatives, we should be allowed the same creative freedom as the next person.

But that doesn’t mean I don’t get frustrated.

It’s hard to enjoy my day of reading and writing without being instantly annoyed about the images I see and witness daily. This recycling of Unsplash images amongst the community needs to stop. I’m tired of looking at a repeat of photos I’ve used for my stories.

Do these photos belong to me? No, but why mine? Here I am thinking some lovely individual reposted my work to find out it’s a different story.

Strangely, the same ten get used with over one million photos. Either the photographers are lazy, I have good taste in choosing pictures, or I’m just lazy (as someone who is constantly healing, I find it difficult to blame other people. I’m always thinking about the part I played).

Let’s continue the rant.

Either way, I find it annoying. It feels like my piece went down in value because of the same photo being used. As writers, you would…

